VAS The Valuation Panel Management and Valuation Auditement Company has become a member of the Intermediary MortGage Lenders Association (IMLA).
Founded 10 years ago, VAS now facilitates more than 2,000 ratings per month for lenders and brokers via more than 200 external appraisers via its VAS panel department. It also offers valuation audits, desktop valuations and monitoring of loans by VAS Assurance.
Steven Todd, co-founder and chief commercial officer of VAS, will represent the platform at IMLA events.
Imla -executing director Kate Davies noted: “We are delighted to welcome VAS as the latest associated member of Imla. Currently, VAS is the only valuation company that joins our ranks and we expect that our discussions will benefit from the addition of a specialist from this sector, who is such an integral part of the mortgage industry. “