Aldermore has launched a two-year permanent BTL product with a limited edition for landlords with properties with an EPC rating from A, B or C.
The specialized lender has also reduced the rates by 0.10% on its existing two years of fixed limited edition products.
The following rates are immediately available: for new customers and individual and business teachers with a few residential investment properties there is a reduced two-year fixed 4.79%, up to 75% LTV with 3% reimbursement and a new EPC a, B and C two-year Fixed 4.69%, up to 75% LTV with 3% reimbursement.
Multi-no-reaching good for individual and business lords with homes with homes, Aldermore also offers a reduced two years of fixed 4.74%, up to 75% LTV with 3% reimbursement.
In a commentary on the new offers, Aldermore Director of Hypages Jon Cooper said: “It is now a lively mortgage market, with recent volatility in swapt rates that brokers and their customers offer opportunities to obtain timely rates.”