Nationwide and Leeds Building Society have become the newest lenders who lower the mortgage interest.
Reductions of up to 0.35% are made nationally for selected remortgages in a movement aimed at helping those who come to the end of their existing mortgage offers.
The specialist of the Building Society Lending Arm TMW has also made cuts of a maximum of 0.50%, which will help landlords who want to buy or remortage -property.
In the meantime, Leeds Building Society has also announced price reductions to 0.74% for landlords.
These discounts only come a few days later Barclays and Santander have made reductions Until their price, including reducing a few rates to less than 4%.
Emma Jones, director of spoke with the newspaper agency. She said: “As the week continues, the tariff reductions continue to come. In the current economic climate, with the country that produces negligible growth, households need all the support they can get.
“With the rural participation in other large lenders such as Barclays and Santander this week when lowering the rates, the mood music on the mortgage market improves. There are still numerous economic headwinds, but this is again a small victory for the leers of the UK. “
How will these price reductions influence borrowers
The price reductions also only reduced the interest rates from 4.75% to 4.5% to 4.5% and as Swap rates, which lenders use their prices, have also been improved.
The reductions of fixed rates influence everyone who is looking for a new mortgage now or in the coming months. For these homeowners, the big question will now be to solve or wait a deal in case prices will fall further.
Ben Perks, director of Financial advisers from Boomgaard Speaking through newspapers, said: “It doesn’t seem like a war, more like the Vecht scene in Anchorman at the moment. But the more money lenders arrive, the competition will heat up and the speed war really starts.
“I expect that the next week we will see that they will all fall for the position. These cuts per nationwide are a great help for homeowners, but also landlords who can often be overlooked. “
Meanwhile, Elliott Culley, director at Switch mortgage financing Through newspapers said: “Based on experience, it would be wise for borrowers who have to be remarked in the coming six months to look at securing these rates, because the rates can rise as quickly when they start to fall.”
Borrowers who should think about the best move Talk to a broker Being able to give advice and search for deals based on their specific situation.